Desktop Virtualization VDI 2.0
tech suggestions Tech Tips

Desktop Virtualization (VDI) at a small scale…

Can you begin desktop virtualization with 10 users at a competitive cost?

Any VDI or RDS is like a complex combination of multiple parts to give users an experience which is as good as working on a personal laptop/desktop/workstation. Most traditional VDI or RDS vendors acquired different parts from different vendors, clubbed them together and presented a virtual desktop for remote users. Since this is an orchestra of multiple parts and layers, it obviously becomes expensive to procure and complex manage and maintain. This was VDI 1.0 for you, built traditionally by acquiring numerous products, combining and serving it.

Despite VDI’s value proposition, it is:

  • Not commercially competitive for less than 100 users
  • Multiple points of failure
  • Demands high technical skills.
  • Numerous licenses and contracts to manage.
  • Complex and time taking deployment.

Hence only feasible at significant cost and complexity.

Our solution offering, VDI 2.0, removes all different nuts & bolts and gives one Integrated layer which not only takes away the complexity of deployment but also the huge cost of managing, monitoring and maintaining it.

How are we able to ensure ease?

  • Integrated single layer, eradicating complexity of many layers and many products.
  • Simplify the need for expensive hardwares.
  • Extend feasibility on your chosen cloud
  • Simplify deployment thus reducing the time to deploy

Be it computer lab or any other lab at universities, or Scada or designing setup at a manufacturing plant or any software development ecosystem. We begin by giving users the opportunity to evaluate the platform and then creating a landscape which suits the most.